In Robert Browning’s enchanting
and tragic story “The pied of Hamelin”, the piper blows his magical pipe and
leads thousands of rats to their death to rid the inhabitants of the deadly
infestation. Denied the promised payment, he blows his magical pipe once again
to lure away the town’s children, never to be seen again.
today the world abounds in pied pipers. Only that are not in it for any good
but out to dress up their false egos, take revenge on the world for imagined
hurts, driven by a convoluted vested interest only they understand better or
simply power-hungry. These pied pipers attract and trap gullible and innocent
people. Displaying an almost charismas form of leadership they create revolutionary
imageries and instill utopian ideas into the minds of their followers who then
become blinded by the vision of the future not even bothering about their near
and dear ones.
is what happened in the recent carnage witnessed in Mathura where 28 followers
of an absurd ideology lost their lives battling the police. And this is what
happens around the world as people become committed followers of a cult or a
fake baba or a terrorist organization. What is it that draws able bodied and
thinking people into the arms of such forces?
for one, credit must go to the recruiters or fake babas who with their
communication skills or even sleight-of-hand practices passed off as
supernatural miracles are able to influence the minds of people beset with
perceived social inadequacies, identity crisis, problems or diseases. Such
people tend to find solace under the wings of such imposters or a group
identity and even security and respect in their communions.
once they step into such groups, they fall prey to a well-oiled mechanism that
calls upon them to suspend reasoning and questioning and go in for blind and
unquestioning acceptance of whatever is handed to them. The loss of critical
thinking is the first step into the swamp from which very few are likely to
come out. Emotions like fear, guilt and pride are also deliberately induced
with promises of handsome rewards – in this world or in the afterlife.
John G. Clark, professor of Psychiatry at the Harvard University Medical
School, “Cult groups have developed basically similar and quite compelling
conversion techniques for exploiting the vulnerabilities of potential
converts.”And Margaret T. singer, professor of psychology at the University of
California at Berkeley, says, “The techniques of many cults fall under the
general rubric of brainwashing. Consciously and manipulatively cult leaders and
their trainers exert a systematic social influence that can produce great
behavioral changes.”
thinking, logic and questioning are stellar traits that humans are bestowed
with. Suspend or suppress these traits and one is more likely to fall prey to
charlatans who are only out to make a fast buck or build an empire of
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